Our Programs
Program 01

Teach & Transform
SVRCC selects students from underprivileged backgrounds, broken homes, with poor education histories. Transforming the mindset of such youngsters would need something other than the standard book-based classroom lectures. SVRCC therefore lays great focus on holistic education with innovative ideas. It is a motto of SVRCC that "if you are not distinct, you will be extinct". We are constantly reaching out to local industry, parents, the community, and other community colleges in order to keep our education fresh and consistently increasing in value.
Program 02
Girl Child and Women Empowerment
At SVRCC, we continuously strive to push the boundaries of what “women’s education” is all about.
While we offer courses traditionally preferred by women such as fashion design, garment making, accounts assistant, nursing assistant, medical lab technician, beautician etc. we also encourage our girl students to pursue training in fields not often chosen by women.

Program 03

Project Punnagai
We work closely with the Puducherry Police Department to train students under the 'Muskaan' Program (Punnagai in Tamil, Smile in English), of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA), Government of India, in association with the Police Department of Puducherry, to rehabilitate parentless and recalcitrant youth, from various destitute homes and downtrodden families, including the children of convicts.